Monday, September 28, 2009

Iran Has Possibly Been Hiding Nuclear Weapons

U.S. to Iran: Prove your nuclear program is peaceful

The United States believes that Iran has been hiding its nuclear weapons under the disguise of an uranium enrichment plant for the past five years. Negotiations begin on Thursday and the United States and our allies think the Iranians are in tight spot. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton thinks that if Iran cannot prove that their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, the U.S. should use our strongest sanctions possible. Most officials believe it to be for completely non-peaceful purposes. They wonder why this illegal plant would be hidden underground if it was meant to be peaceful. Iran is not living up to the IAEA policies. Our only weapon at the moment is time.

The world should be a little panicked that Iran may have nuclear weapons. That would mean there is one more country out there that can blow the rest into little peaces. The U.S. is ready to go in guns ablazing but are our pockets ready? We are just pulling out of the recession and if talks on Thursday do not go well there is little we can do with out using money (which we don't have). The Internationl Atomic Energy Association should have full access to that plant to determine if the world really even needs to worry because Iran was telling the truth or to see if what they claimed the plant to be is a facade. Iran insists that they met all standards and are letting the IAEA in. This in itself makes me think they are inoccent however, they may have know for a time that they could be caught and hidden

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