Thursday, January 7, 2010

Airport Security Increases

Stop the panic on air security

In Bruce Schneier's editoral to CNN, he states that the U.S. is focusing their security in the wrong place. AbdulMutallab's attempt at terrrorism failed at the checkpoint. The reason security is being boosted and Nigerian's are being full body searched is because the airport failed to listen to his father's warning and found a bomb in his underwear and he was Nigerian. Now instead of trying to deal with the bigger issues, the government is trying to protect post 9/11 terrified passengers.

The U.S. definitely has upped the anti in airport security. The recent attempt (and subsequent fail) has everyone in the air on edge. They have every right to protect citizens and stop potential terrorists. The government is looking at the wrong problems to solve, though. As Bruce put it, "Focus on the general risk of terrorism, and not the specific threat of airplane bombings using PETN-filled underwear. Focus on the general risk of troubled teens, and not the specific threat of a lone gunman wandering around a school. Ignore the movie-plot threats, and concentrate on the real risks." The U.S. needs to deal with what they are doing in their own country before they try to deal with outside forces.

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