Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cop Issues

Haiti police force ill equipped to handle crisis

There is rising tension in Haiti as people search for recoverable items due to the lack of aid. The police and U.N. enforcers are having little impact on the looters. A task force of a mere 4,000 has shrunk to 1,500. To add to the work load is the fact that the extremely old prison collapsed releasing over 4,000 of the inmates. Things are running amuck in Haiti."I am afraid you're going to have an escalating spiral where people who were willing to be patient lose their patience due to supplies being withheld for security reasons," Concannon said. "And then that impatience escalates and brings increased security, which further cuts the flow of supplies."

People in Haiti are suffering. Not only have earthquakes devastated their homes, but now criminals that have escaped are running around looting and pillaging. The lack of police is going to be detrimental to rebuilding Haiti. Fortunately, there is some U.N. backup and United States security on backup. But the government of Haiti has severely clamped down on the powers of police forces, which is fairly limiting to them. The police can hardly itch their nose without an okay. Perhaps the present crisis will relinquish some of the grip so the cops can actually do their jobs. There is nothing better than a crisis to push for reform.


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